Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Please pray!

Dear Family,


Please join us in praying for Mikki Swartz who will have a one of her kidneys removed tomorrow and given to someone in need of a kidney that matches hers. 


Through Mikki’s act of love, this enables someone to receive a healthy kidney, and it places her husband, Wes, in a place that he will be given a kidney from a donor sooner that matches his need.  Wes is currently on dialysis, and is waiting for a donated kidney, so he can have transplant surgery.


Please pray for Mikki as she goes into surgery and recovers and for Wes to receive a donated kidney soon.


Thank you for partnering with us in prayer!


Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”   Jeremiah 33:6



For His Glory,


Pastor Gary


Pastor Gary



Gary Hornbaker

Shippensburg First Church of God

Pastor of Visitation and Discipleship

Church Phone: 717-532-8421


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