Thursday, July 18, 2024

Good News, You're Hired! SFCOG updates for 7/21

Sunday is Coming!



"What do you do for a living?"


What is your job or occupation? It's a simple question, but there's an unspoken hint of judgement in it—we often rank or value people based on their profession. Certain honors, criticisms, or prejudices may be given to certain professions.


When people learn what you do for work, does their opinion of you change? What about the other way around? Does your opinion of someone else change when you learn about their job?


Sometimes when people learn that I'm a pastor, their posture towards me might shift. Depending on their experience with church or religion, I might feel that they either give me more respect or attention, or less. They might change other ways that they act around me also—they might clean up their language and stop swearing, or ask me my opinion about current events.


Regardless of what you do for a living (or your social status), I want to challenge each of us to consider whether we are rich or poor—not in the eyes of the world—but in the eyes of our Savior, Jesus.


Jesus must be the One to Define Truth for our identity-- Whether we feel rich or poor, free or imprisoned, blind or able to see, worthy or unworthy, blessed or cursed, loved or unloved, full of everlasting joy or brokenhearted, Jesus has the authority to determine what has value.     


This Sunday, will continue to study the context of Luke 4, where Jesus quotes from Isaiah 61:

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted…"

(Isaiah 61:1)


We will consider how different groups respond to the "good news for the poor," including some fishermen in Luke 5, who choose to become poor so that they may experience the "Good News" up close and personal. As a result, Jesus gives them a new occupation— Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people."  (Luke 5:10b)


Let us continue to reflect on this Good News for the poor and the broken hearted – regardless of how society might rank you on the scale of jobs and professions, regardless of your Net Worth or how many figures you bring home… regardless of how the world may see your value, regardless of how you see yourself—Remember that Jesus sees your true value and worth.


Jesus wants to reshape how you view yourself, your occupation, your value, and your place in this world. He wants to give you a new job to do: He invites you to follow Him and join him in proclaiming His Kingdom. Consider yourself hired!


Back in Isaiah 61:6-7, we can read about the wealth and riches the Lord has to offer to the poor and brokenhearted who worship him as King, and new job titles as well:

And you will be called priests of the Lord,

    you will be named ministers of our God.

You will feed on the wealth of nations,

    and in their riches you will boast.

Instead of your shame

    you will receive a double portion,

and instead of disgrace

    you will rejoice in your inheritance.

And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,

    and everlasting joy will be yours.



This Sunday

Prepare your hearts for worship as we come together to Praise or King!


8:30 Traditional Worship

Praise the Name Who Breaks the Darkness   #293   

Ask Ye What Great Things Ye Know   #535

How Sweet the Name of Jesus   #123

There's Something About That Name   #83


11:00 Contemporary Worship

              Contemporary Spotify Playlist



Ministry Opportunities and Needs

Our Children's Ministry is growing, and more families and children mean the need for Children's Ministry workers is also growing!

Would you prayerfully consider joining this vital team?

Opportunities are available on Sunday mornings, and when Community Night resumes on September 4th we will need a few key leaders, teachers, and helpers for our Wednesday Night AWANA ministry this year also! (All of our Children's Ministry helpers must meet the requirements of our clearance process). To learn more, contact me, or our Children's Ministry Directors, Becky Cramer and Jeanette Roberts.



Staff Update

We are happy to announce that Debra Pelow has been hired as our new Administrative Assistant. Deb will be serving here in the Church Office alongside our pastoral staff and our secretary to assist in a variety of ways, most notably helping with preparations for our weekly worship services. She will be officially beginning this Monday, July 22nd and will be in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Her email will be, which is the same email used by our previous administrative assistants. Let's all welcome Deb to our Staff!



Living Stones Events

The Living Stones group (ages 50+) will be hosting a Game Night this Friday, July 19 at 6:30 PM in the Annex. Please bring your favorite board games and a snack or drink to share. You can register in The Gathering Place, Sunday School Classrooms, or call the church office. More Living Stones activities are planned for the coming months, see the Gathering Place and upcoming FYI to see dates for other future events.



Upcoming Milestone Events

We have several "milestone" opportunities planned for those looking to take a step of faith in specific ways. Mark your calendars and prayerfully consider if you or someone in your family might be ready for such a next step. Feel free to contact me to learn more!

  • Get Connected Class – August 4, September 1, (every first Sunday)
  • New Members Class – September 15
  • Baptism – September 29
  • Child Dedication – October 20



Community Worship Opportunities

Shippensburg Fair Vespers

The Shippensburg Fair begins with a Community Vespers service this Sunday, July 21 at 7:30 at the main stage (bring your own chairs). Plan to join with other believers in our community as we worship our God together!


Back to School Sunday and Prayer Service

On August 18th, we will dedicate part of our morning worship services to praying for and celebrating educators, students, and families as the new school year approaches. That evening, we will also have a special time of prayer at 6:00pm.



Survey for Small Groups and Sunday School Classes

REMINDER: We want to hear from you!

The Christian Education Committee would like to know your thoughts and feelings regarding the classes and care groups you participate in.  You can fill out a survey at this link:

Paper copies are also available.


The purpose is to get a better idea of how the Christian Education Committee can help improve our small groups, as well as how we can better come alongside our leaders in a supportive way.  We ask each person to complete a questionnaire for each Care Group and or Sunday School Class you are a part of.



Communications Updates

The July edition of our "FYI" Newsletter is now available in the Gathering Place, the center section of the Sanctuary, or in your Church Mailbox.

If you have information you would like to communicate, communication request forms are available from the church office, in the Gathering Place, or online. Look for the current edition at the Welcome Desk or in the center section of the Sanctuary.



Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!


Pastor Rodney Bistline

Shippensburg First Church of God



Helpful Links:

Website (

SFCOG Facebook

SFCOG Instagram

Online Messages (

Online Giving (

Care Groups & Sunday School Classes


Weekly Bulletin & FYI Monthly Newsletter (updated over the weekend)


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