Monday, July 8, 2024

CEC evaluation form (New One)

The Christian Education Committee is responsible for facilitating quality, biblically-based Christian education in the church. In order to improve the ministries provided by our church, the CEC seeks your assistance in gathering information on the well-being of our Sunday School Classes and Care Groups. We value your input and appreciate you completing this survey.

If you attend multiple small groups, please complete a separate survey form for each different class or group. If you would rather complete a paper survey, forms will be available in your meeting location. Completed paper forms should be returned to Scott Gutshall's church mailbox in the Gathering Place.

We understand that perhaps not everyone will be able to use the google doc with the survey, so we do have hard copies for each group if someone is unable to access it.


You do not have to login to your google account even if it asks you to.


Also if you did this in your Sunday School Class you do not have to do another unless your are in multiple groups.






Thank you for responding to this survey.


Sending for Scott Gutshall and the CEC Committee.


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