Thursday, July 25, 2024

Believe your Eyes! SFCOG updates for 7/28

Sunday is Coming!



Can you believe your own eyes?


Maybe it's just me, but I often doubt my own vision. It's probably because without my glasses, my eyesight is pretty poor.

There have been many times when I think I've seen something exciting, like a shooting star, or an interesting bird, or times that I've seen someone in public that I might recognize, but I second guess what my eyes have seen.


We live in a time and place where many things might cause us to doubt our own eyes. Lots of loud and conflicting voices try to tell us what to believe. News events can unfold before our eyes in real-time through social media, and we might jump to conclusions or be easily led astray by conspiracy theories with a lack of factual information. Who do we trust? It's no wonder we all seem to lean towards skepticism in many ways.


Jesus himself has come to open our eyes to the "Truth" of God. He opened the eyes of the blind, both for those physically lacking in sight and those spiritually lacking vision as well. We've been considering the "Truth Claim" that Jesus makes in Luke 4—He declares that he himself has "fulfilled" the ancient prophesy from Isaiah 61 about an "anointed one" who would come to "restore sight for the blind," among other things.


Jesus meets each of us in the midst of our uncertainty and skepticism and desires to give us a clearer vision of Him and his Truth.


This weekend we will continue our series focusing on Truth as revealed in Jesus, and any conversation about Truth must also address the issue of Doubt. In our study of Scripture, we will see that doubt and uncertainty are a natural part of life and our spirituality, and God welcomes our questions.


In an age of skepticism, it is important to ask good questions.

It is also important to follow the facts, not unfounded conspiracies.

But ultimately, it's important to seek God's Truth, not the shifting opinions of the world.


Are we willing to go to God both in faith and in doubt? To bring our questions directly to Jesus? To ask him to give us sight?


Consider a certain "high profile" skeptic: none other than John the Baptist himself. John the Baptist, a righteous prophet, who is very much a "good guy" in the Gospels, had some doubts. John the Baptist was a famous teacher during Jesus' day who had also been preaching the coming kingdom of God and had been put into prison. There's a passage in Luke 7 that shows a mixture of hope and doubt, and how Jesus responds gently to John and his cautious, humble faith that is mixed with some understandable hesitancy. Shortly after Jesus began his public ministry by teaching in the Synagogue in Luke 4 and preaching the good news, and performing miraculous signs, John hears about all of this from his prison cell and begins to wonder—somewhat skeptically—what is going on.


Consider what John asks Jesus, and the response Jesus gives in Luke 7:20-23

20 When the men came to Jesus, they said, "John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?'"

21 At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind. 22 So he replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. 23 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me."


In an age of skepticism, it is important to ask the right questions, and John asks a good question: "are you the one?"

Even with all of the miraculous signs and convincing preaching, it's striking that someone like John could still have doubts—It's important to note that John is certainly not being portrayed negatively for his doubt, and Jesus welcomes the question without harsh rebuke.


On Sunday we will apply this story to our own faith and doubts, and also consider how we can graciously walk alongside of others who may struggle with skepticism.


Jesus invites us all to bring our doubts to Him. Honest skepticism has a place alongside of faith, especially when we are seeking Jesus as our source of Truth.


According to Luke 4:18, Jesus has come "to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind" for all who come to Him.



This Sunday

Prepare your hearts for worship as we come together to Praise or King!


8:30 Traditional Worship

Be Thou My Vision   #562  

Open My Eyes That I May See  #563

My Faith Looks Up to Thee   #539

Open Our Eyes, Lord  #633


11:00 Contemporary Worship

              Spring Time

Give us Clean Hands

Here I Am

Christ Lives in Me


              Contemporary Spotify Playlist


This Sunday in both services, we will hear some highlights from our Children's Ministry about our Vacation Bible School which took place last month.


Ministry Opportunities and Needs

Our Children's Ministry is growing, and more families and children mean the need for Children's Ministry workers is also growing!

Would you prayerfully consider joining this vital team?

Opportunities are available on Sunday mornings, and when Community Night resumes on September 4th we will need a few key leaders, teachers, and helpers for our Wednesday Night AWANA ministry this year also! (All of our Children's Ministry helpers must meet the requirements of our clearance process). To learn more, contact me, or our Children's Ministry Directors, Becky Cramer and Jeanette Roberts.



Living Stones Events

Everyone ages 50+ are invited to take a Train Ride on the Frostburg Flyer!

Thursday, August 15   9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

RSVP requested by July 28 to ensure initial reservation.

Location: Western Maryland Scenic Railroad, 13 Canal St, Cumberland, MD 21502

Leave Church (Church van and carpooling) at 9:00 AM and return approximately 6:00 PM

Train Ride is 4.5 hours long, which includes a 90-minute stop over to turn the train around to return.  Snacks are available on the train and at the changeover point, along with a gift shop.

Cost: $40/Person

We must have ten people registered and paid (give to Pastor Gary) by July 28 for this event to occur.

Register: The Gathering Place, Sunday School Classroom, or call the church office.

More Living Stones activities are planned for the coming months, see the Gathering Place and upcoming FYI to see dates for other future events.



Upcoming Milestone Events

We have several "milestone" opportunities planned for those looking to take a step of faith in specific ways. Mark your calendars and prayerfully consider if you or someone in your family might be ready for such a next step. Feel free to contact me to learn more!

  • Get Connected Class – August 4, September 1, (every first Sunday)
  • New Members Class – September 15
  • Baptism – September 29
  • Child Dedication – October 20



Community Worship Opportunities

Back to School Sunday and Prayer Service

On August 18th, we will dedicate part of our morning worship services to praying for and celebrating educators, students, and families as the new school year approaches. That evening, we will also have a special time of prayer at 6:00pm.



New Men's Alliance Tribe

There is a new Men's Alliance Tribe, called "DiscipleSHIP" Tribe, that is launching on August 6th which will meet every Tuesday Evening at 7:00 at the same location as Keel Tribe (the American Legion). It will be the same format as the Saturday group (30 min workout & 30 min devotional) with a few of the same guys, but they are hoping to reach some more men who can't make it on Saturdays. Visit this link to learn more:

DiscipleSHIP Tribe Men's Group in Shippensburg, PA | Men's Alliance (



Communications Updates

The August edition of our "FYI" Newsletter will be available this weekend in the Gathering Place, the center section of the Sanctuary, or in your Church Mailbox.

If you have information you would like to communicate, communication request forms are available from the church office, in the Gathering Place, or online.



Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!


Pastor Rodney Bistline

Shippensburg First Church of God



Helpful Links:

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SFCOG Facebook

SFCOG Instagram

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Care Groups & Sunday School Classes


Weekly Bulletin & FYI Monthly Newsletter (updated over the weekend)

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