Tuesday, September 3, 2024

SFCOG Prayer Updates

Hello Church Family,


I am praying your week is off to a good start! I know many within our congregation are facing a lot of challenges and changes right now, so let us all keep one another in our prayers as we go before our God! Here are a few prayer needs and updates for you to consider this week:


  • Several people connected to our fellowship are still facing recovery and rehabilitation following surgeries and injuries.


  • Janet Uglow was in Chambersburg hospital for some fluid on her legs, but is probably going to be discharged this afternoon. Her son, Donny, continues to be in Hershey hospital and is being treated for quite a few concerns. Pray for them as they consider treatment options.


Pray for all those who lead and participate in AWANA*, youth group, young adult ministry, and our adult Bible studies.

*There are still a few openings on our AWANA team. We have a great group of leaders and helpers, so the ministry will proceed, trusting that God will work even in our weaknesses, but please pray that these spots can be filled so that it can be as effective as possible!


  • Be sure to join us Sunday Morning at 10:00 in Memorial Park for a combined worship service, followed by our Church Picnic! Pray for good weather! So far, the forecast looks good, but in the event of severe weather in the forecast, any changes to location will be announced on Thursday, while the schedule will remain the same.


Join me in praying the words of Moses, found in Psalm 90:14-17—

14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,

    that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,

    for as many years as we have seen trouble.

16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,

    your splendor to their children.

17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

    establish the work of our hands for us—

    yes, establish the work of our hands.



Pastor Rodney Bistline

Shippensburg First Church of God



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