Friday, September 13, 2024

Please pray!!!!!

Dear Family,


Please be in prayer for the following:


Praise that Ricky Bodde came through brain surgery (8 hours) as well as can be expected.  Please pray for a complete recovery.


Bil Jones visited his oncologist in Hershey today.  Unfortunately, his stomach continues to fill with fluid and the side effects for chemo are nasty.


Pam Negley completed her radiation treatments on Monday.

Jack Shaul’s dad is in Menno Haven Rehabilitation and is improving.

Please be in prayer for Pam Shirley who was taken to the Chambersburg Hospital ER this evening and for Bill as he walks alongside her.

Kathy Shoop is now home recovering from back surgery.  Her follow up appointment with her surgeon yesterday was encouraging.

Wes Swartz is awaiting a kidney transplant.  His pray request is that a kidney would be available soon.  

Jerry Swope is battling ALS.

Janet Uglow and her son Donnie are recovering from health challenges.

Rob Weber is slowly recovering.  If insurance approves, the next step is moving him to a Specialty Hospital for rehabilitation.  Please pray for a complete recovery and for Kerri as she walks alongside Rob, cares for the girls, and oversees the milking.

Mike Wingert is struggling with depression and lack of physical strength.

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”   Isaiah 58:8


For His Glory,


Pastor Gary


Pastor Gary



Gary Hornbaker

Shippensburg First Church of God

Pastor of Visitation and Discipleship

Church Phone: 717-532-8421


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