Friday, August 16, 2024

SFCOG Prayer Updates

Hello Church Family,

Becky Cramer is asking for prayer for her father, Frank Killian. They went to the wound clinic today & he is being admitted to the hospital. He will have his left foot amputated tomorrow morning.

Thanks to everyone who has joined the Meal Train or given gift cards for the Weber family. You can sign up for a meal or send a gift card at the following link:
Feel free to contact Jill Grove or me with questions. 

Rob is stable, but much is unknown other than it could be a long journey ahead. Continue to hold Rob, Kerri, and their 3 young girls in your prayers, as well as their extended family and the farm hands who are supporting them. 

Bonnie Diehl has returned home following her procedure in Cleveland and is recovering. 

Jack Shaul's father is improving and they are hoping to relocate him closer to home soon, though no plans are confirmed yet. 

Many families from our church are traveling right now; please say a prayer for their safety. 

Thanks again for supporting one another in Christ's love. 

Pastor Rodney

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