Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Please pray!!

Dear Family,


Please join us in praying for the following:



Children, parents, teachers, and all school personnel as the school year begins in Shippensburg and surrounding areas.


Pat Frey is battling Covid.


Denny and Pat Hockensmith continue to battle various health challenges.


Frank Killian was moved yesterday to the rehab floor in the Chambersburg Hospital.


Mark and Trisha Maciejewski and family as they grieve the unfortunate death of their son, Levi.  Mark is the Shippensburg University football head coach and Trisha is involved at Grace B. Luhrs.  Some of our youth were good friends with Levi.


Jack Shaul’s dad was transported to Hershey Medical Center early this morning.


Rob Weber is scheduled to have a tracheal tube and a feeding tube inserted today.



“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:31



For His Glory,


Pastor Gary


Pastor Gary



Gary Hornbaker

Shippensburg First Church of God

Pastor of Visitation and Discipleship

Church Phone: 717-532-8421


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