Thursday, August 29, 2024

Risk Takers - SFCOG updates for 9/1

Sunday is Coming!



Any Thrill Seekers or Risk Takers Out there?


Do you enjoy sky diving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, motorcycle racing, or scuba diving perhaps?


Now that I’m in my 40s, I don’t normally see myself as a risk taker… but in my teenage years, I sometimes thought of myself as a “wannabe” Xtreme sports athlete. I enjoyed doing tricks on my bike and in-line skates (it was the 90s), and I took up Pole Vaulting in Track & Field because it seemed like the most thrilling event to try.


But in other areas of life, such as social or work settings, I like to play it safe. I rarely call myself as “risky.” I’m not someone who has often aspired to do big things or have great ambitions or ventured far and wide for long periods of times. After traveling and living in a few different locations for a few years of my life, I don’t mind that I live in my own hometown now.


However… often Faith requires us to step out of our comfort zone and do some things that feel “risky.”

Although it is important to note that there’s a difference between recklessness or hasty decisions, and faithful risks that are worth taking. It is a matter of who is initiating our actions—are we living in response to our own impulses and passions, or in obedience to God?


On Sunday we will continue studying the life of Moses, who was an ordinary person that became extraordinary, because he took some risks to follow God by faith. We will look at some of the “risks” that Moses took early on in his life:

  • both a reckless risk in a moment of passion
  • and a faithful risk in response to the call of God


We will resume the “Origin Story” of Moses and read about some of these events from Moses’ life, including his dramatic encounter with God in Exodus 3 where God reveals his Personal Name to Moses.


Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, tells Moses that he will also be the God of Moses, and will go with him to confront Pharoah and deliver the people of God from captivity.


And God said, “I will be with you.”

--Exodus 3:12


In the “Faith Hall of Fame” in Hebrews 11, we can read several highlights about Moses, and among them is this statement:

“By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.”Hebrews 11:27


Yes, stepping out in faith causes us to pursue “him who is invisible” which may make us feel uncomfortable, like walking in the dark or unfamiliar territory. It might require an investment of time, talent, or even financial resources… It might feel “risky.”


But it is important to remember that our Faith must be an ongoing journey, and this means not settling for comfort or complacency.


  • God told Moses to go,” and that He would be with him.
  • Jesus calls his disciples by saying“Follow Me.”
  • The Holy Spirit is often described as to moving people into action throughout the scriptures.


These statements all imply action, direction, movement, or progress.

Just like Following a person is different than following a map, following Jesus is different than going through the comfortable motions of religious habits.

Christianity requires us to stay close to Christ, wherever He leads.


Our Christian Faith is not just a religion, it is a commitment to a Person—Jesus himself, who is always on the move in the sense that God is always at work in this world. If we want to find meaning and purpose and contentment in this life, it is found by knowing God and staying with God.


Or in Moses’ words found in Psalm 90:1,

“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.”


After running away from trouble, Moses ‘found himself’ by going back to the Holy Ground in the presence of God.

We find our identity, our true home, our permanent address, “our dwelling place” in God alone.


To bring this full circle… ironically, maybe following God is not so ‘risky.’


If God is our dwelling place, if our identity is truly found in God alone, then the only ‘safe’ place to be is in God.


Following God is like never ‘leaving home!’



This Sunday

Prepare your hearts for worship as we come together to Celebrate our Savior!


“Get Connected” will be offered this Sunday at 9:45 in room 104. Check out Get Connected to learn more about our Sunday School classes and other Care Group ministries to discover where you can form deeper relationships here at SFCOG.


8:30 Traditional Worship

              575 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

              580 Through it All

              581 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

              704 God will Make a Way


Our Adult Choir will resume singing weekly anthems on September 15th.


11:00 Contemporary Worship

              Glorious Day

Death was Arrested

Give us Clean Hands

Yet not I but Through Christ in Me


Contemporary Spotify Playlist


Staff Availability

Next week Pastor Gary & Joyce Hornbaker will be away on Vacation. Please direct any pastoral and prayer needs to Pastor Rodney or the Church Office.



Community Night Resumes on Wednesday, September 4th!

There will be something for everyone, including-

·                Children

·                Youth

·                Young Adults

·                and several small group electives to choose from


Visit our Community Night webpage to learn more:

Shippensburg First Church of God | WEDNESDAY COMMUNITY NIGHT (



Church Picnic

Next Sunday, September 8th is our Annual Church Picnic at Memorial Park!

We will have a special combined worship service at 10 at the park, followed by a picnic lunch (there will be no Sunday School). Families should bring a hot and a cold dish to share. Singles may bring either a hot or a cold dish. Sign-up sheets are available in the classrooms, the gathering place, and the Children’s Check-in area. Please RSVP and indicate what covered-dishes you plan to bring, and to help us with planning purposes.

*Ham, Chicken, Drinks, and Place Settings will be provided.


In the event of forecasted severe weather, an announcement will be made by Thursday to adjust plans if needed. A combined service would still be held in the Sanctuary at 10:00 and the meal would take place in Crossroads Station.


*We encourage anyone who received Sunday School pins for attendance in the past to wear them to the church picnic.

We will provide an opportunity for people to share testimonies and ways they saw God work in the past in and through our church ministry and people. We look forward to hearing these God stories!



Bible Quizzing

We are starting a Bible Quiz Team for Middle School and High School students!

Quizzing is a wonderful way for teenagers to learn God’s Word, develop confidence and leadership skills, meet students from other churches, and engage in friendly competition. In the past, SFCOG has participated in this inter-church ministry through our CGGC denomination, and many previous quizzers have gone on to serve as community and ministry leaders in a variety of ways.


Practices will begin Sunday, September 8 at 8:30 am in the youth room. Quizzing competitions happen once a month through the winter months, typically on Sunday afternoons at other local CGGC churches. To learn more, check out this video: Bible Quizzing | Churches of God GC (


To register for Bible quizzing or to ask questions, reply to this email or contact John and Nancy Morton.



Upcoming Milestone Events

We have several “milestone” opportunities planned for those looking to take a step of faith in specific ways. Mark your calendars and prayerfully consider if you or someone in your family might be ready for such a next step. Feel free to contact me to learn more!

  • Get Connected Class –September 1, October 6 (every first Sunday)
  • New Members Class – September 15
  • Baptism – September 29
  • Child Dedication – October 20

There are Signup sheets located in the Gathering Place if you are interested in being included for any of these events.



Corn Festival Car Show

The Shippensburg Corn Festival is happening on Saturday, August 31, and we have the privilege of sharing our parking lot to be used for the community Car Show/Cruz-In.

*Please note that our parking lot will not be available for parking on Saturday and beginning Friday Evening.



Service Opportunities


Love Our Town

We are continuing to collect hygiene products for the Circle of Love ministry as part of a community-wide outreach initiative involving over 10 different churches. These items can be placed in the appropriate bins in the side vestibule off of the Sanctuary closest to Crossroads Station.


Also as part of Love our Town, we will be collecting cookies to share with some of the teachers and staff of SASD. Cookies can be delivered to the lower level kitchen by September 16th.


See the FYI for more details for these two local mission projects. There are also several other service, prayer, and worship opportunities taking place as part of Love Our Town during the week of September 15-21. To learn more, see the community bulletin board near the rear entrance of the Sanctuary.


Hound Packs

We are once again collecting single serving sizes of oatmeal and cereal to be distributed to SASD students through the weekend meal program known as Hound Packs. These donations can also be placed in the appropriate bins in the side vestibule off of the Sanctuary closest to Crossroads Station.


Weber Family

Rob Weber and his family continue to have a long journey ahead. Pray for strength, hope, and encouragement for Kerri as she loves on Rob, her three girls, and oversees the dairy operation.

There are now more opportunities to provide meals for Kerri, her girls, and the caregivers of their children.  You can go on the following link to volunteer to prepare a meal or to give a gift card:



Communications Updates

The September edition of our “FYI” Newsletter is now available in the Gathering Place, the center section of the Sanctuary, or in your Church Mailbox.


If you have information you would like to communicate, communication request forms are available from the church office, in the Gathering Place, or online.




Looking forward to stepping out in faith with you this Sunday!


Pastor Rodney Bistline

Shippensburg First Church of God



Helpful Links:

Website (

SFCOG Facebook

SFCOG Instagram

Online Messages (

Online Giving (

Care Groups & Sunday School Classes


Weekly Bulletin & FYI Monthly Newsletter (updated over the weekend)


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