Thursday, June 13, 2024

SFCOG Updates and Sunday is Coming!

Dear Church Family,

I trust your week is going well.  God is at work and providing many invitations to join Him! 

Let us continue to join Him and celebrate His faithfulness!

Living Stones Picnic

Tonight, June 13th at 6:00 pm, everyone ages 50 and above is invited (even if you did not register) to a time of food, fellowship, and cornhole at the Hopewell Township Park, 218 Shippensburg Road, Newburg, PA 17240.

This Sunday

We will be celebrating Father’s Day and the one-year anniversary of Men’s Alliance.

Begin preparing your hearts for worship, celebration, and fellowship.  Here is what you can expect during our worship times:

8:30 Traditional Worship

     With the following hymns:

God of Our Fathers

Who Is on the Lord’s Side

A Charge to Keep I Have

Soldiers of Christ, Arise


    Testimonies from Men’s Alliance

    Small gift for all the men

10:45  Cookies in the Gathering Place for First Service Attendees 

11:00 Contemporary Worship

    With the following songs:

Your Grace is Enough

Who You Say I Am

Another in the Fire

You Are My Vision


         Testimonies from Men’s Alliance

        Small gift for all the men

12:00 Cookies in the Gathering Place for Second Service Attendees 

                             Contemporary Spotify Playlist

 Summer Events!

“Serve Ship”

Youth Missions Week

June 17-20

A team of about 30 teenagers from our youth group will be serving our community in a variety of ways for a week this summer, including hosting a community meal. Please be prayerfully considering how you could be involved through some of the following ways:

  • Prayer Support
  • Financial Donations
  • Share Service Project Needs and Ideas
  • Donating Cookies & Cupcakes
  • Providing to-go snacks for work crews
  • Providing gently used or new back packs - One of the service projects the youth are doing for Serve Ship is filling backpacks with toiletries and other essentials for a ministry called Circle of Love.  You are welcome to place it in the bin in the vestibule on the west side of the church (handicap entrance toward Crossroad Station) this Sunday.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is coming on June 23-27! This year we will be taking kids on an imaginary trip to the beach to learn about how God’s ‘Rock-Solid Truth’ stands firm in a world of ‘shifting sands!’  Registration is available online at this link: VBS Registration

We are so grateful to those who have answered the call to serve! We still need kitchen helpers to prepare and serve simple meals each night for our other volunteers and families, and “tour guides” to lead groups of kids around to each station. You can learn more and sign up at the display table in the Gathering Place, or on the clip boards in the Sunday School classrooms and Kids Min check-in area. You can also register to volunteer* at the online form: MyVBS | Shippensburg First Church of God

*Be sure to complete all clearance processes and participate in Mandated Reporter Training if you are interested in working directly with children. Contact the church office or our Children and Youth teams for more information. Clearance Forms can be found on our website at this page: Shippensburg First Church of God | Online Forms (

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

All men are invited to meet at the Greyhound Restaurant from 7:30-8:45 on Tuesday Mornings from June 18-August 6. No RSVP is needed, simply feel free to join some men for fellowship and prayer.  This coming Tuesday will be our first study.


Ladies in Step

Their next gathering will be Card Making with Pam Shirley this coming Wednesday evening at 7:00 in the Annex.  Please RSVP Joyce Hornbaker (771.658.3130 or, so that they have sufficient supplies.


June 11th Council Meeting Highlights

A “Service Animal Policy” was adopted.  All church policies are on our church website.


When Committee chairperson’s are asking someone to pray about joining their committee, we desire that you first ask them how they are already serving in the church.  We want to help people serve well and not be spread too thin.


Audits for 2023 for the majority of the church financial accounts have been completed.  All accounts were found to be in proper standing.  


Child Evangelism Fellowship Day Camps

CEF Day Camps will be happening around our area again this summer. Please be in prayer for this ministry that reaches over 300 kids each summer. To learn more, check out the community bulletin board near the back entrance of the Sanctuary, or visit to find a camp near you.


Prayer Updates

Bonnie Diehl has an appointment with her pulmonologist on June 19th.

Jim Dupler, Matt Hershey, and Bill Jones are home recovering.

Mike Wingert is home and would greatly appreciate any visitors.  Even if you do not know him, he welcomes your visit.  His cell number is (223) 307-5845, and he lives at 1024 Kessler Drive, Shippensburg.

Communications Updates

The July edition of our “FYI” Newsletter is being compiled. If you have information you would like to communicate, communication request forms are available from the church office, in the Gathering Place, or online. Look for the current edition at the Welcome Desk or in the center section of the Sanctuary.

Looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!

Helpful Links:

Website (

SFCOG Facebook

SFCOG Instagram

Online Messages (

Online Giving (

Care Groups & Sunday School Classes

Weekly Bulletin & FYI Monthly Newsletter (updated over the weekend)


For His Glory,


Pastor Gary


Pastor Gary



Gary Hornbaker

Shippensburg First Church of God

Pastor of Visitation and Discipleship

Church Phone: 717-532-8421




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