Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Please pray!

Dear Family,


Please pray for the following:


Karli Fogelsanger (Mary Ann’s granddaughter) will probably be in Johns Hopkins for another week.  Everything is not progressing as the specialists hoped.  She has a feeding tube and needs to gain weight before they can operate. She has much pain.


Mary Gsell is recuperating at the home of Michael and Lisa Murphy following her surgery.


Plans are to move Louise Swope from the Chambersburg Hospital to Sarah A. Todd Memorial Home on Thursday.


“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23




For His Glory,


Pastor Gary


Pastor Gary



Gary Hornbaker

Shippensburg First Church of God

Pastor of Visitation and Discipleship

Church Phone: 717-532-8421


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